6 Days Until Our Kidney Transplant’s 2nd Anniversary!

420818_10151044573941791_1420690867_nTime sure does fly. October 4 mark’s the 2nd anniversary of my sister and I’s kidney transplant.

I realized I haven’t thought or talked about it much, which now I think I should because it’ll be a good reminder of how blessed we were (and still are). In the next days leading up to October 4, we’ll share our experiences in hopes of bringing more awareness to the importance of organ transplantation and caring for our kidneys.

Please follow and share this blog if you’d like to read more about our story.


Kidney disease is not something to ignore. There is no known cure. 

Kidney disease describes a variety of disease and disorders that affect the kidneys. Most disease of the kidney attack the filtering units of the kidneys—the nephrons—and damage their ability to eliminate wastes and excess fluids. (Source)

Diabetes and high blood pressure are key contributors of kidney failure, but there are other known ways as well (such as genetic inheritance). (What is kidney disease?)

There are currently over 4,500 people waiting for a life-saving organ transplant in Canada. In 2011, 256 patients died waiting for a transplant — and a third of them needed a kidney. The number is only rising, especially in Manitoba.

How can we help?

Consider giving the Gift of Life and help eliminate wait times.
One donor can save or dramatically enhance the lives of 8 people through: the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach, bone, and skin to name a few.

Visit transplantmanitoba.ca for more information.

We may not all be organ donors.

Donating to the Kidney Foundation will go towards improving the lives of those affected by kidney related diseases. Your money will support research in finding a cure.

Volunteering is also a great way to donate your time. There are many events promoting education and awareness about renal diseases. Look for one in your city!

How do I know if I have kidney disease?

Visit the Kidney Foundation to learn all about your kidneys. Ask your doctor for a urine test to check your kidney levels. Visit a kidney screening session near you.

Prevention is ALWAYS key.

Drink plenty of water.
Eat healthy.
Exercise regularly.
Get enough sleep.
Ask the right questions; talk about it!

We can do this together!

We would like to thank EVERYONE who supported us throughout our transplant journey, and to those who (even until today) sent their kind words — thank you!

Share this post and help spread kidney and organ transplant awareness. #mercyandcherry

Donate to our anniversary fundraising page and let’s fight kidney disease together!